NCPL’s Friday Night Movies, The Picasso Summer: LIU Professor Valerie Franco screens independent and foreign films at North Castle Library on Friday nights. And she knows how to pick ’em!
Here she screens The Picasso Summer – a 1969 road trip film based on a Ray Bradbury short story. An Easy Rider for art sophisticates, the movie reflects all the wanderlust associated with the 1960s. It stars Albert Finney, a frustrated architect, and his wife, Yvette Mimieux, taken with the idea of traveling Europe in search of Pablo Picasso. Released the same year as the Woodstock music festival, the film utilizes animated Picasso sequences and split screen scenes. It features gorgeous views of various European locations. Courtesy of future Academy Award-winning cinematographer Vilmos Zsigmond (Close Encounters of the Third Kind).
NCPL’s Friday Night Movies: Professor Franco leads a lecture discussion follow each film.