An event every week that begins at 12:00 am on Sunday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, repeating until May 29, 2022
Lasdon Park 100 Acre Wood Exhibit
A true “storybook” adventure featuring the original characters of A.A. Milne and inspired by the art of E.H. Shepard. Winnie the Pooh and friends come to life in an enchanting tale that teaches children about the importance of our forests and the inhabitants that live there. The exhibit will also feature an array of colorful flowers, plants and shrubs filling the Conservatory with color and spring fragrances. The Exhibit is open daily from April 9 -17. And Thursday through Sunday from April 21 through May 29.
The show consists of a walk through in the Lasdon Conservatory including five separate stations that focus on the importance of water, trees, seeds, habitats and pollinators. Children will enjoy a scavenger hunt that leads them through the upper portion of the park in search of characters and real life examples of what they have just learned.