Old Time Music Jam & Pot Luck Dinner at Hilltop Hanover Farm
The Old Time Music Jam and Potluck is a monthly gathering of acoustic musicians who play traditional Appalachian fiddle music. A potluck meal is followed by an informal jam session. Please bring a dish to share. Musicians of all levels are welcome. Come to play or just to listen!
“Reflecting the cultures that settled North America, the roots of old-time music are in the traditional musics of the British Isles and Europe. African influences are notably found in instruments such as the banjo. In some regions French and German sources are also prominent. While many dance tunes and ballads can be traced to European sources, many others are of North American origin.
Old-time music represents perhaps the oldest form of North American traditional music other than Native American music, and thus the term “old-time” is an appropriate one.