Pandemic Players: Shadowlands
The Schoolhouse Theater’s Pandemic Players’, the longest regularly performing virtual theatre company in the country, weekly (impromptu) play readings continue with William Nicholson’s 1989 Shadowlands about C.S. Lewis and his relationship with an American fan who he eventually marries.
About the Schoolhouse Theater
The Schoolhouse Theater, founded by Lee Pope in 1983, is Westchester’s oldest non-profit Actor’s Equity theatre. The theatre, dedicated to producing new plays, has seen no less than seven of its shows moved to Off-Broadway. They have produced works by Jules Feiffer and Tina Howe. It’s current Artistic Director, Bram Lewis founded and ran The Phoenix Theatre in Purchase where he worked with Alan Arkin, Ellen Burstyn, Horton Foote, Julie Harris, Jason Robards, Frances Sternhagen, Horton Foote and Elain Stritch among others.