Ridgefield Drive In Movies: Dirty Dancing: The Ridgefield Playhouse in coordination with Craig’s Fine Jewelry of Ridgefield has launched a drive in movie series every Saturday night in June at 9pm. The movies will be shown in the Ridgefield High School parking lot and are sponsored by The Ridgefield Conservatory of Dance.
> All of the films are FREE and will be on a first-come, first-served basis (Lot opens at 8pm)
> Audio will be available through your car radio.
> All cars will be pulling into every other spot to keep space between each car. You must enter the Ridgefield High School parking lot off of Route 116. Per the Governors Executive order, all moviegoers must stay in their cars as any outdoor event with people gathering together outside is permissible for 50 people or less.
The second film in this series is “Dirty Dancing” – Baby (Jennifer Grey) is one listless summer away from the Peace Corps. Hoping to enjoy her youth while it lasts, she’s disappointed when her summer plans deposit her at a sleepy resort in the Catskills with her parents. Her luck turns around, however, when the resort’s dance instructor, Johnny (Patrick Swayze), enlists Baby as his new partner, and the two fall in love. Baby’s father forbids her from seeing Johnny, but she’s determined to help him perform the last big dance of the summer.
Future Films:
“Grease” will be on June 20th (sponsored by The Ridgefield Playhouse)
“Field of Dreams” will be on June 27th (sponsored by Downtown Ridgefield Member Merchants)