An event every day that begins at 9:00 am, repeating until February 24, 2022
One event on February 21, 2023 at 9:00 am
An event every day that begins at 9:00 am, repeating until February 24, 2023
Spring Break at the Farm
Spring Break at Hilltop Hanover is a great way to spend a few days in hands-on play and activities.
Get kids out of the house, and let them spend a morning with the animals, greenhouses, and fields: from snow painting to seed games to greeting the goats! We will begin the day with lots of active time outdoors, take a snack break, and move indoors to for more activities. We will explore all parts of the farm, from the outer pastures to the forest and pond across the street, and get to know seeds, animals, and vegetables up close. Please bring snack & lunch!