Support-A-Walk for Breast and Ovarian Cancer: There’s free refreshments and entertainment after this 3-mile walk for Support Connection. But you may want to pack a picnic lunch to enjoy in the park. Support Connection provides free support services for those living with breast and ovarian cancer throughout the Hudson Valley. Including counseling, support groups, and educational and wellness programs. They also maintain the upscale resale boutique, Fantastic Finds, in Chappaqua.
Thousands of people come together for this uplifting community event. Family and friends come from near and far to celebrate, support and remember loved ones. As a result, many make a day of it, picnicking after the Walk. For people, businesses and organizations in the community, it is an opportunity to express encouragement and compassion for those living with breast and ovarian cancer. Everyone is welcome to participate in whatever way they can.
Support Connection does NOT receive funds from: Relay for Life, Making Strides, Susan G. Komen, or any other national cancer organizations. For that reason they rely on donations to sustain their breast and ovarian cancer support services all year long. So the Support-A-Walk for Breast and Ovarian Cancer is Support Connection’s most important annual fundraiser.
Pre-walk activities begin in the welcome are for survivors at 9am. There you can also find a team photo tent and enjoy music, face painting and a warmup.
The walk begins at 10 AM. There are raffles and merchants with awareness items all morning.
After the walk Support Connection provides free refreshments and entertainment.