An event every day that begins at 9:30 am, repeating until November 28, 2021
Thanksgiving Weekend at Lyndhurst
Visitors can explore Lyndhurst this weekend without a guided tour. See the mansion transformed into an extravagant wonderland of holiday splendor. Dozens of Christmas trees are expertly decorated and designed to complement the elegant period furnishings within the rooms of the house. Our curators bring out rarely seen items that belonged to Lyndhurst’s former owners, the Goulds, allowing an opportunity to see many of these glittering possessions usually tucked away in our archives.
See why Lyndhurst was voted one of the “Ten Best Historic Holiday Tours” by USA Today. From traditions to trends, Lyndhurst celebrates the season in style and glamour.
The Gift Shop will be available at the Welcome Center while you wait.
Tour guides will be posted throughout the house to answer questions.