An event every day that begins at 6:00 pm, repeating until January 3, 2021
Westchester Winter Wonderland Drive-Thru: Westchester Parks Foundation and Westchester County’s parks Department have re-imagined the seventh season of the popular holiday event at Valhalla’s Kensico Dam Plaza to help create a safe and memorable holiday family experience. The Westchester Winter Wonderland Holiday Lights Extravaganza’s new drive-thru experience presents 1.2 miles of holiday lights, larger than life displays, live characters, and Santa right from the safety of your own car!
The Drive Thru installations include a Family Fireside Forest scene, Old Man Winter blowing snowflakes on Winter Winds Way, floating stained-glass angels at Peace On Earth Place, a 50 foot dove soaring in the sky on Take Flight Way, lit dancing trees in the Magical Woods, a light display of elves at work in the Land of Packages, a favorite holiday song brought to light on Fa La La La La Lane, a Twirling Tunnel, Character Corner, Candy Cane Lane, Westchester’s largest Christmas Tree at Christmas Tree Plaza and, of course, Santa Clause – in a mask!
The celebration begins the day after Thanksgiving, and will run through January 3, 2021. The event will be open 6 to 9:45 pm Tuesday through Sunday December 20 and every night December 21 through January 3, 2021 (except Christmas Eve and Christmas Day).