Local Horror from Mount Kisco’s Ed Perratore

Local Horror from Mount Kisco’s Ed Perratore
Mount Kisco’s prolific Ed Perratore, author of the literary nonfiction One Man’s Journey: A Walk on the Croton Aqueduct Trail that we reviewed last year, reminds us that he has two horror novels to help readers in our area celebrate the spooky season leading up to Halloween.
Ed’s first horror novel, The Coven Tree, a haunted heirloom of a story has been described as “a little Dean Koontz, a touch of Dan Brown but all Ed Perratore.” Set in New York’s Adirondack Region, The Coven Tree relates a dark and torturous journey for Johanna and Daniel Keane and their teenage son, Randall, after they chance upon an exquisitely crafted highboy and snatch it up for a bargain price. Unwittingly, they allow—into their own home—the instrument of their family’s destruction, borne of a centuries-old curse.
Ed’s follow up horror novel, Hindred Spirits tells the gripping tale of Natalie Leffingwell, nine, one of many children, mostly the abused, who cope by willing their spirits to exit their bodies, for a few hours at a time, at night. In case of physical danger, children learn to quickly reunite with their bodies. Nevertheless, one evening Natalie becomes trapped as a spirit. She needs a friend—and resolves to win one however she can…even if she has to kill for it.
Ed has been on a local book signing tour at Westchester independent book stores recently. If your local book vendor does not stock it they can order it from Ingram and other distributors. Or they can be purchased on Amazon for Kindle or in paperback.
About the Author
Ed Perratore’s writing career spans nearly 40 years, and he’s a former staffer of PC Magazine and Consumer Reports. His freelance credits include Reader’s Digest, Newsweek, the Newark Star-Ledger and Byte. Ed also authors a humor blog, The Fog Bell, found at thefogbell.com.