Local Schools’ Color Run helps cancer patients

Local Schools’ Color Run helps cancer patients
Local Schools’ Color Run helps cancer patients: Students at Byram Hills, Fox Lane, Horace Greeley and John Jay High Schools have teamed up to fight cancer in, dare we say “an active and colorful” way. Sponsored by The Family Reach Clubs at all four schools, their Reach for the Rainbow 5K Color Run will benefit The Family Reach Foundation – a non-profit that assists families who have a member struggling with cancer.
The Family Reach Club was started at Fox Lane in 2012 and last year, the founders asked students at the other 3 high schools to start clubs to raise more awareness and money. Last year Fox Lane’s Color Run raised over $75,000 for The Family Reach Foundation. The Fox Lane Family Reach Club has raised over $200,000 over the past four years.
Alison Kaplan and Seth Ferman from Bedford are the parents in charge for Fox Lane and have helped spread the concept to the other 3 high schools. Each has held their own color runs and this year all four schools decided to collaborate on one giant Color Run.
So what’s a Color Run?
Or are we the last to know? Jill Greenspan, the parent coordinator for Byram Hills HS told us “A Color Run is a mini-run (3-5K) in which all participants are given white t-shirts and they run through paint mist. It’s all non-toxic and safe and is done all over the world. It’s a really fun thing to do for kids, teens and adults alike. They are almost always held as a hosting mechanism to raise funds for charity.” Her daughter Arielle helped launch Byram Hills’ club that raised over $5,000 in two hours at the Spring 2016 Art Show in Bedford.
Sponsors (and runners) Wanted
Jill, Seth and Allison are currently working to drum up sponsor support for this year’s event. Jot them a line here: alikap10506@yahoo.com, jillgreenspan@verizon.net. The event will be held on Sunday October 16 at Fox Lane High School. Runners can register on site the day of the event beginning at 8:30am.
Food Trucks too
After the race there will be a block party with plenty of food trucks including Pizza Truck, Walters Hot Dogs, Melt Mobile, and more.
More ways to give back this fall at Fall Benefits & Galas 2016
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