NY State Announces Phase 2 Guidelines
NY State Announces Phase 2 Guidelines: With five New York State Regions set to open today and the Western New York and Capital District Regions on June 1 and 2, the state released a Business Reopening Safety Plan for Phase 2 businesses. The plan specifies Mandatory Guidelines for physical distancing, protective equipment, hygiene and cleaning, and communication specifically for offices, real estate, vehicle sales/rentals, retail, commercial buildings, hair salons and barbershops.
In addition, all businesses must implement a mandatory health screening assessment (questionnaire, temperature check) before employees begin work each day. A 14-day self-quarantine period is required for any employee who has tested positive for COVID-19 (even if asymptotic), or has COVID-19 symptoms even if they have not tested positive. Employees must also self-quarantine if they have had close contact with a COVID-19 positive patient for an extended period of time – whether that person has symptoms or not.
The plan also lists sub-mandatory Best Practices suggestions specific to each type of business qualified to reopen in Phase 2. Below we outline Physical Distancing mandatory guide lines and best practices recommendations for retail stores, hair salons and barbershops. If you would like to see all guidelines for all businesses click here.
Physical Distancing Guidelines for Retail Stores
All retail stores must post social distancing markers and ensure six-foot distancing “unless safety or core function of the work activity requires a shorter distance.” Retail stores must operate at a maximum of 50% maximum occupancy set by their certificate of occupancy. Stores must pare back staff to those “essential for retail operation”, and all employees must wear masks. Tightly confined spaces such as elevators, cash register areas, and narrow aisles must be limited to one person unless all persons are wearing face coverings. Retail stores also must limit in-person gatherings, establish designated areas for delivery, ensure fitting rooms are equipped with cleaning and hygiene supplies including hand sanitizer, and close self-serve bars and samplers.
Best Practices recommendations for retail businesses include providing separate entrances and exits, reducing bi-directional aisle traffic, establishing touch-less delivery systems and suspending the use of bulk-bins. The plan also suggests retailers encourage touch-less payment options, self bagging, and shop by phone and delivery to limit in-store traffic. You can find further guidelines for retailers here.
Hair Salons & Barbershops
In addition to the Mandatory Guidelines outlined for retail stores, hair salons and barbershops must close all non-essential amenities including product samples, water fountains, and magazine areas. Best Practices recommendations also mimic retail guidelines but add additional measures. Including limiting walk-ins by implementing an “appointment only” policy, and asking customers to wait in their cars until their appointment time. The state also recommends that salons and barbershops install physical barriers to divide work stations. And eliminate or relax cancellation fees to encourage customers to stay home if they become sick.
Finally, NY Forward suggest hair salons and barbershops adjust hours to spread employee and customer traffic over a longer period of time. Either by staggering arrival/departure times, or creating A/B teams. Anyone for a 6am or 10pm blow-out?
Phase 3 and 4
Notably excluded from Phase 2 are malls, movie theaters, large gathering event venues, places of public amusement (zoos, aquariums, amusement parks), gyms, fitness centers and exercise classes and restaurants – which are included in Phase 4 of the NY Forward reopening plan. Restaurants are included in Phase 3.