Pleasantville Farmers Market Open All Winter

Pleasantville Farmers Market Open All Winter
The Pleasantville Farmers Market recently announced that, once again this year, they will remain open outdoors throughout the winter at their regular location at the Pleasantville Train Station. Their winter hours are Saturdays from 9am to 11:30am. The market will be closed on Christmas day and New Year’s day.
In his announcement, Peter Rogovin, President of Foodchester Inc. that runs the market, stressed that while the market offers online pre-order shopping, it is not required. Many vendors will bring some product to sell for spontaneous walk-up purchase. However, due to limited supplies and the cold weather, the only way to guarantee that you’ll get everything you want is to preorder. This is especially the case with apples and delicate greens which are not displayed for walk-up purchases, as those items could freeze on cold market days. Plus, preorder customers stay warmer: They’re served first, and they don’t have to take off their gloves and fumble with a wallet to pay.
For those who would like to preorder, you can order ahead online beginning every Tuesday at 7:00 pm through Thursday, 7:00 pm.