VAX Stats Rise to 30% of Eligible NYers

VAX Stats Rise to 30% of Eligible NYers: The New York State government website reported on Sunday that the state had received 445,365 out of an expected week 13 allocation of 795,155 vaccine doses scheduled for delivery between March 8 and March 14. The remaining shipments were expected to arrive later that day, according to Governor Andrew Cuomo. The nearly 800,000 doses allocated to New York for week 13 was down by approximately 20% from the surprise week 12 allocation of 1,020,660.
Twenty-two Percent of New Yorkers Have at Least One Dose
The government website also reported that over 130,000 doses were administered across the statewide network of VAX providers the previous 24 hours and more than one million doses were administered the previous week. Through Sunday, New York has received 7,336,265 and administered 6,577,070 doses of the coronavirus vaccine. To date, 4,416,159 (22%) of the 19.45 million New Yorkers have received at least one vaccine dose. While 2,264,763 New Yorkers (11%) have completed their two dose vaccine series.
Almost thirty percent of “eligible” New Yorkers Have at Least One Dose
However, Governor Cuomo pointed out in his Monday press conference that New York has to vaccinate not 19.5 but fifteen million people. That’s because, the current mRNA COVID-19 vaccines were not studied or approved in children younger than sixteen years of age. Accordingly the Pfizer vaccine is not authorized for people under 16 and the Moderna vaccine is not authorized for people under eighteen. Adjusting the numbers of vaccines administered to date, that means that 29.4% of eligible New Yorkers have received at least one vaccine dose. And 15% of eligible New Yorkers have completed their two dose vaccine series.
More COVID News & Bethpage Air Show Returns for 2021
Meanwhile, New York’s statewide 7-day positivity test rate remained relatively flat last week at 3.13% compared with 3.19% the previous week. Westchester County’s positivity rate declined from 4.23% to 3.82%. Nationally, the 7-day rolling average positive test rate dropped to 4.6% last week after a short-lived spike to 6% the previous seek. It’s fall winter peak was 13.7% earlier in January, according to the Johns Hopkins University of Medicine’s Coronavirus Resource Center.
New York State’s positivity rate peaked at 49.9% on March 30 and was as low as .09% on September 18. It wasn’t until November 5th that it returned to as high as 2%. The US positive test rate peaked at 21.9% in the spring and bottomed at 4.1% in June and 4% in October.
Finally, the Governor announced on his Monday press conference that the Bethpage Air Show, an annual event held on Memorial Day weekend, will return to Jones Beach this year.
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The Latest Vaccine Tips
New York State Vaccination Centers (all categories eligible)
The state-run site at the Westchester County Center, which is prioritizing all eligible populations under the expanded Phase 1a and 1b guidelines, which includes health care workers, essential workers and populations aged 60+, as well as qualifying immunocompromised* populations under 60. Check for appointments at the New York State site, and check the New York State hotline for cancellations: 833-NYS-4-VAX.
Northern Westchester Hospital (not authorized for the immunocomprised under 65)
Northern Westchester Hospital is prioritizing all populations outlined in the New York State expanded Phase 1a and 1b Guidelines, except immunocompromised individuals under age 60. Here’s the link you can use to check for appointment availability at Northern Westchester Hospital,
Local Pharmacies
You can track the vaccine flows to local pharmacies on the weekly Westchester County Weekly Allocation announcements which you can find here. The pharmacies prioritize the age 60+ population.
Westchester County Health Department
Governor Cuomo announced over two weeks ago that local health departments who are currently prioritizing essential workers will open up to age eligible populations soon. As of this writing The Westchester County Health Department’s website states that they are still prioritizing essential workers. Nor have they updated age eligibility requirements to reflect the addition of populations age 60+. The county site also has not added Week 13 allocation (March 8-14) information on their site. When they do publish weekly allocation information it is your best source to identify local pharmacies and other vaccine providers such as hospitals and community centers. Check for Week 12 Allocations here.
Westchester Residents Who Work in NYC
Finally, if you work in New York City and can prove it you can check the NYC Vaccine Finder to schedule an appointment, assuming you can find one.
- Qualifying Co-morbidities: cancer, obesity, hypertension and other heart conditions, pulmonary disease, diabetes, chronic kidney disease, pregnancy, sickle cell disease, intellectual and developmental disabilities, and an immunocompromised state because of HIV and other causes.