We’re Back! Cuomo Goes Full Capacity on Most Businesses

We’re Back! Cuomo Goes Full Capacity for Most Businesses: Governor Andrew Cuomo just announced that restaurants, museums, theaters, retail stores and other businesses will be allowed to reopen at full capacity beginning on May 19. The new policy that will be effective throughout the metropolitan area will include New Jersey and Connecticut as well. Six feet of social distancing space will still be required. The governor previously announced the lifting of midnight curfews for outdoor dining on May 17. Indoor dining will return to a 4 am closing time at the end of May. New York city restauarants capacity limitations will increase to 75% late this week – on May 7.
Sport arenas will continue to operate at 33% capacity, however, the governor indicated that as vaccine administration continues that those limits are likely to increase. In perhaps the ultimate sign that the economy is reopening, the New York City subway lines will resume twenty-four hour service on May 17. As previously announced, bars and restaurants will see the current midnight curfew lifted for outdoor dining on May 17 and closing time can go back to 4 a.m. for indoor dining at the end of the month.
Postive Test Rate Drops Below 2% – Drop in Vaccinations Available to All
The governor’s announcements were made today as New York’s Positive Test Rate dropped to 1.79% over the past week – a 50% decline over the past month and the state’s lowest rate since November 5. New York has administered over 15 million doses to date. Approximately one in three New Yorker’s are fully vaccinated. And all New York State mass vaccination sites are open to eligible New Yorkers for walk-in vaccination on a first come first serve basis. The walk-in appointments are reserved for first doses only with second doses to be scheduled automatically after administration of the initial shot. Almost half of all New Yorker’s have received at least one dose of the coronavirus vaccine.