What To Do With the Kids June 2018

Armonk Lions Club Fol de Rol
What To Do With the Kids June 2018: Here’s a great mixed bag of “family” what to do’s if you like carnivals, strawberries, lots of stuff on the farm, family movies, music, and folk dancing for kids. And the proverbial… whole lot more!
Rye Playland – Daily except Mondays 6/1-30: check times: There’s 42 carnival rides, entertainment in Kiddyland and the Music Tower Stage every day at Rye Playland – except Mondays! Plus a beach nearby. There are kiddy rides like the Kiddy Coaster, Carousel and Whip and family rides like the Gondola Wheel, Family Flyer and Bumper Cars. Plus thrill rides like the Sky Flyer, Dragon Coaster and the Playland Plunge. And fireworks every Friday at 9:15pm from 7/1-9/1. Gotta go once! www.ryeplayland.org)
Hilltop Hanover Farm Farm Fest – Sat, 6/2: 10am-4pm: Join Hilltop Hanover Farm for a local artisan’s fair, food, children’s games, tractor rides, hikes, and farm tours. There will be organic seedlings for sale and the farm stand will open its doors for the season! Admission is free – but there is a suggested donation of $5/car. (1271 Hanover St., Yorktown Heights; www.hilltophanoverfarm.org)
Local! Church of St. Mary’s 81st Annual Strawberry Festival – Sat, 6/2: 11am-4pm: The Strawberry Festival at the Church of St. Mary the Virgin features games and crafts for kids and teens, live music, bounce castles, BBQ and strawberries, strawberries, strawberries. Including, strawberry smoothies, and St. Mary’s famous strawberry shortcake. Plus, craft vendors and treasures from the attic. (Church of St, Mary the Virgin, 191 S. Greeley Ave., Chappaqua; churchofstmary’s)
Essex Steam Train & Riverboat Ride, Say-Sun, 6/2-10 & Daily 6/16-30: Take a 2 ½ hour narrated train and riverboat ride through what the Nature Conservancy calls “one of the last great places on earth,” the Connecticut River Valley. The train passes farms, waterfalls, and wetland habitats with blue heron and egrets. The riverboat cruise on the Connecticut River passes the historic Gillette Castle, Goodspeed Opera House and Haddam Swing Bridge. Check out their special Dinner Train, Riverboat Lunch and Sunset Excursions. (1 Railroad Ave., Essex, CT; www.essexsteamtrain.com)
Pride of the Hudson River Cruise, Newburg – Sat, 6/2- Sat, 6/30: check dates & times: See the majestic beauty of the Hudson River on this 2-hour narrated river adventure from Newburgh to West Point taking in the sights of Washington’s Headquarters, World’s End, Mt. Beacon, Bannerman Island, Constitution Island, Breakneck Mountain, and the town of Cold Spring. (Blu Pointe Landing, 100 Front St., Newburgh; www.prideofthehudson.com)
Sheffield Island Lighthouse Cruises, Norwalk Harbor – Sat-Sun: 6/2-7/1: 11am, 2 & 3:30pm: Board the 45-foot C.J. Toth catamaran for a cruise to Sheffield Island on the Long Island Sound for a lighthouse tour, a hike through Stewart B. McKinney National Wildlife Refuge and a picnic and beach front activities. Sails run on weekends & holidays in June and September and daily in July & August. (Norwalk Seaport Association Dock, 4 North Water St., Norwalk, Ct.; www.seaport.org)
Sleeping with Wolves, Wolf Conservation Center – Friday & Select Saturdays 6/2 -10/21: 6pm- 8:30am. Camp out overnight with 20+ wolves that call the WCC in South Salem home! It’s cheaper than a trip to Yellowstone – and you’ll leave a much smaller carbon footprint. The evening includes a pizza party with Ambassador wolves Atka, Alawa, Nikai and Xephyr, movies under the stars, tents for all campers, fireside snacks and a light breakfast. Pre-registration is required at www.nywolf.com)
Backyard Wilderness, IMAX Movies, The Maritime Aquarium at Norwalk – Daily: 3/24 – 9/3: 11am, 1 & 3pm: This new Imax movie was filmed outside the Croton on Hudson home of the Academy Award-nominated (Children of Fate) filmmakers Andrew Young and Susan Todd. “With input from our science advisors, we worked on filming scenes of the animals that actually live in our backyard, which is part of the eastern forest ecosystem,” Young told Westchester Magazine. Featuring local blue jays, raccoons and (you guessed it) coyotes! (10 N. Water St., Norwalk, www.maritimeaquarium.org)
Cool! Marine Life Study Cruises, Maritime Aquarium Norwalk – Sat 6/2 – 30: 1:15pm – check dates: Study the biodiversity of Long Island Sound’s interdependent marine life. Participants utilize such sampling techniques as a plankton tow, biodredge, mud grab and otter trawl that may bring up fish, crabs, lobsters, sea stars and more. A video microscope and touch tank on board enhance observations. Check dates. (10 N. Water St., Norwalk; www.maritimeaquarium.org)
Bicycle Sundays on the Bronx River Parkway, Sun, 6/3-24: 10am-2pm: Bicycle Sundays return on May 6. The Westchester Parks Foundation closes off a six and a half mile stretch of the Bronx River Parkway for the exclusive use of bicyclists, joggers, scooters and strollers. Park your car at the County Center lot and bike to Scarsdale Road in Yonkers. Round trip 13.1 miles. www.friendsofwestchesterparks.com
Tilly’s Tea with Alice, Tilly Foster Farm, Brewster – Fri-Sun, 5/4-6/3: Join Alice as she slide down the Rabbit Hole, hops along the river after the Cheshire Cat, takes in a croquet game or challenges the Queen at Chess at this curious adventure through Wonderland, complete with costumed characters at this iconic Brewster Farm. Check out Tilly’s Table, the farm’s onsite full service restaurant. (100 NY 312, Brewster; www.tillysteawithalice.com)
Planetarium Shows, Hudson River Museum, Sat-Sun: 12:30, 2 & 3:30pm in June: HRM presents three star shows every weekend for kids of various ages. Showing in June: The Girl Who Walked Upside Down (ages 5+ @ 12:30pm)What would you notice about the moon and stars if you walked upside down?; The Sky Tonight, (ages 8+ @ 2pm) a live tour of the heavens with a planetarium educator and We Are Aliens (ages 8+ @ 3:30pm) a new 360° digital planetarium show narrated by Rupert Grint (from Harry Potter films) that takes you on an epic ride in the hunt for the evidence of alien life. (511 Warburton Ave., Yonkers; www.hrm.org)
Natural Phenomenon Alert! Snapping Turtle Walk, Boscobel – Sat, 6/2: 7:30am: Yes, it’s early but you don’t see this kind of thing everyday. Bring your camera to Boscobel’s Belvedere, overlooking the Hudson River and Highlands, for an up-close snapping turtle presentation. These prehistoric creatures climb up the banks from Constitution Marsh to Boscobel every spring to lay their eggs. Complimentary coffee, juice & donuts included. (1601 Route 9D (Bear Mountain Highway) in Garrison; www.boscobel.org)
Local! Katonah Fire Department Carnival – Wed-Sat, 6/6-9: check times. The 2018 Katonah Fire Department Carnival kicks off with a parade on Wednesday at 7pm featuring 21 fire companies. Followed by four nights (and one day) of carnival rides, games, cotton candy and food trucks. (Katonah Fire Department, 65 Bedford Rd., Katonah; www.katonahfd.org)
Local! 44th Armonk Lions Club Fol de Rol, Wampus Brook Park – Thurs-Sun, 6/7-10: Ride the Ripcord, Tornado and Tilt-a-Whirl. Visit the fun house. You know the school year is almost over when the Armonk Lions Club Fol-de-Rol comes to town. Just buy the wristband, for unlimited rides, and let the kids run wild. With carnival games, music, face painting, a dog show and racing pigs! There’s even a Crafts Fair for adults whose Ripcord days have passed them by. Buy a raffle ticket to support various local projects. (28 Maple Ave., Armonk; www.armonklions.org)
Morning Farm Chores, Muscoot Farm – Sat, 6/9: 8-10am: Be a farmer for 2 hours with these hands on activities for kids 8+. (Route 100, Somers; www.muscootfarm.org)
Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome Air Shows, Sat, 6/9 & Sat-Sun, 6/16-17: 10am-5pm: This “living” museum of antique aviation, offers one of the largest collections of early aero-planes (1909 to 1939) in the world plus weekend airshows and bi-plane rides (shown here). The museum displays aircraft from the Pioneer Era, World War I and the Lindbergh Barnstorming era. Museum hours are 10am-5pm daily. Air shows 2-4pm. (9 Norton Rd, Red Hook; www.oldrhinebeck.org)
Crohn’s & Colitis Take Steps Walk & Festival, Purchase College – Sun, 6/10: 4pm: Run or walk to find a cure for digestive diseases. The Take Steps walk and 5K run is the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation’s largest event of the year. This run/walk festival offers IBD friendly food, Kids activities and local entertainment. The festival starts at 4pm and the walk/run start is at 5pm. For more info call Andi Cosby at 914.812.8988 x3 or email lschwerdt@crohnscolitisfoundation.org. (735 Anderson Hill Rd.; www.cctakesteps.org/fairwest2018)
Jr. Chef Experience, Westchester Magazine Wine & Food Festival, The Westchestger – Sun, 6/10: 10am-12pm: Kids learn basic cooking techniques and practice cupcake decorating and pizza making from working chefs at this hands-on event. Nickelodeon’s Nella the Princess Knight will be on-hand for meet & greets. (Play at The Westchester, Level 4; ( www.westchestermagazine.com)
Glow in the Park, Boundless Adventures, Purchase College – Fri, 6/15: 6-11pm: It’s Glow in the Park family night at Westchester’s newest (and only) Aerial Adventure Park. (Read more.) You bring your inner monkey and they supply the glow necklaces, face paint and more as you experience the park at night. (735 Anderson Hill Road, Purchase; www.boundlessadventures.net)
Dr, McDonald, Muscoot Farm – Sat, 6/16: 1-2:30pm: Learn all about science and do some hands on experiments with Old McDonald’s (the one who had a farm) brother Dr. McDonald. Ages 10+. (Route 100, Somers; www.muscootfarm.org)
Hot Ticket Alert! Clearwater’s Great Hudson River Revival, Sat-Sun, 6/16-17: 11am-9pm.This world-class outdoor music & environmental festival lives on after the death of its founder Pete Seeger. There’s a host of activities for families, including sloop and schooner rides, food, art, crafts, jugglers & clowns. Plus 57 musical acts including Jeff Tweedy or Wilco, The Mavericks, Rhiannoon Giddens, The Might Be Giants, Willie Nile and more. Under 12 go free! (Croton Point Park, 1A Croton Point Ave., Croton-on-Hudson; www.clearwaterfestival.org)
Homeward Bound, Jacob Burns – Sat-Sun, 6/16-17: 12pm: When their owners temporarily leave them with a friend, pets Chance, Shadow, and Sassy think they are being left for good and decide to take matters into their own paws to reunite the family. (364 Manville Rd., Pleasantville; www.burnsfilmcenter.org)
Ice Cream Social & Summer Games, Greeley House – Wed, 6/20: 12;30-2pm: Celebrate the end of the school year with Victorian games and ice cream. Make your own Victorian ice cream. Bring your own lunch. Kids go free! (100 King St., Chappaqua; www.newcastlehs.org)
Local! Chili Cook-off, Armonk Chamber’s Third Thursdays – Thurs, 6/21: 5-8:30pm: The Armonk Chamber of Commerce’s Third Thursday Celebrations continues when top Armonk chef’s compete in this Chili Cook-off in Armonk Square. Check in for the cook-off between 5:30 & 7:30. There will be music from 6:30- 8:30 and town-wide promotions from retailers from 5-9pm. These Chamber celebrations continue each month through August and include an antique car show and a festival of street performers. (www.armonkchamberofcommerce.com)
Andes Manta, Lasdon Park Summer Music in the Park – Fri, 6/22: 7-9pm: Lasdon’s summer music series kicks off with this picnic friendly family music event featuring the music of Andes Manta who perform on 35 traditional Andean instruments including the queen (Andean flute) and six foot long pan pipes with traditional dancers. Plus Fork in the Road food truck. (2610 Amawalk Rd., Rt. 35, Katonah; www.lasdonpark.org)
Public Sails on the Schooner Soundwaters – Sat-Sun, 6/23-24 & 6/30-7/1: 3pm: Board the 80’ Tall Schooner Soundwaters, the ship that Pete Seeger made famous, for a two-hour afternoon journey on the Long Island Sound. The Schooner Soundwaters, seats 40 and sails from Boccuzzi Park in Stamford. Sunset sails are also offered on Friday and Saturday nights and Fireworks Sails on Wed, 7/4 & Sat, 7/7. (Bocuzzi Park at Southfield, 166 Southfield Ave., Stamford CT; www.soundwaters.org)
American Roots Festival, Aimee Mann & Valerie June – Caramoor Venetian Theatre/Friends Field – Sat, 6/23: 12-10pm: Aimee Mann, named one of the top-10 living songwriters by NPR Music, headlines Caramoor’s American Roots Festival evening show with Valerie June, whose blend of Appalachian gospel, and blues has made her a rising Americana star. Beginning at noon a dozen artists perform folk, country, bluegrass, gospel, blues, Old Time and folk fusion on multiple stages. (149 Girdle Ridge Rd., Katonah; www.caramoor.org)
Local! The Princess Bride, School’s Out Summer Movie, John Jay Homestead – Sat, 6/23: 7-10pm: Bring your soccer chairs for a food truck dinner from Melt Mobile, Walter’s Hot Dogs and popcorn from Mill River Confections. There’s summer quaffs from South Salem Winery and Captain Lawrence Brewery, music from the School of Rock House Band and a screening of The Princess Bride. (400 Jay Street, Rt. 22, Katonah; www.johnjayhomestead.org)
Dancing at Dusk: From Bhangra to Bollywood, Caramoor Friends Field – Wed, 6/27: 5pm: Dancing at Dusk celebrates music and dance from around the world for children of all ages to explore with their families. Here Reena Shah leads the instruction of regional dances from India, accompanied by Dhol, Indian Flutes, and more! Move to the intricate rhythms of Indian music, learn the celebratory dances. (149 Girdle Ridge Rd., Katonah; www.caramoor.org)
Local! Tom Gardner and the Uncle Brothers, Bedford Hill Memorial Park – Thurs, 6/28: 7-8;30pm: Kick off the summer with some of the best feel good summer tunes for the whole family with this Summer Splash Concert– loaded with fan favorites from Jimmy Buffett, the Beach Boys, Van Morrison, and original family dance songs such as “Lobster Conga”, “Pool Party”, and more!
Lasdon’s Music in the Park, Demi Bonet – Fri, 6/29: 7 – 9pm: Singer/songwriter and electric violinist Demi Bonet kicks off Lasdon’s picnic friendly Summer Music in the Park Series. Bonet has performed with Cyndi Lauper, R.E.M., Sarah McLachlan, Richard Barone, and Robyn Hitchcock, and has released several CDs of original music. (2610 NY 35, Katonah; www.lasdonpark.org)
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